• [2024-11] Abdullah has received both the Outstanding Research Award and the Teaching Excellence Award at the Fall 2024 ASU Graduate Student Government (GSG) Awards Program.

  • [2024-10] Shovito and Abdullah’s extended abstract titled “Domain-Informed Label Fusion Surpasses LLMs in Free-Living Activity Classification” has been accepted to the AAAI'25 conference for publication and presentation.

  • [2024-10] Abdullah’s preprint “Use of What-if Scenarios to Help Explain Artificial Intelligence Models for Neonatal Health” is now available on arXiv.

  • [2024-10] Abdullah’s preprint “Multimodal Physical Activity Forecasting in Free-Living Clinical Settings: Hunting Opportunities for Just-in-Time Interventions” is now available on arXiv.

  • [2024-9] Two 1-page abstracts co-authored by Abdullah got accepted at IEEE BSN'24.

  • [2024-8] Abdullah Mamun started teaching the Fall 2024 course, BMI 311: Modeling Biomedical Knowledge at Arizona State University as the sole instructor.


  • [2023-12] Abdullah attended NeurIPS'23.

  • [2023-10] Abdullah received the IEEE Student Travel Award to attend IEEE BSN'23.

  • [2023-7] Abdullah’s paper titled “Neonatal Risk Modeling and Prediction” got accepted at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health (BSN'23).

  • [2023-4] Abdullah Mamun was invited as a panelist for the AI for Good session at the Machine Learning Day 2023 at ASU West Campus. Slides, Pictures.


  • [2022-9] Abdullah’s paper, “Multimodal Time-Series Activity Forecasting for Adaptive Lifestyle Intervention Design,” has been awarded Honorable Mention at the Best Paper Award of the IEEE BSN 2022 conference in Ioannina, Greece.
  • [2022-7] Our paper titled “Multimodal Time-Series Activity Forecasting for Adaptive Lifestyle Intervention Design” got accepted at IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2022).
  • [2022-3] Our paper titled “Designing Deep Neural Networks Robust to Sensor Failure in Mobile Health Environments” got accepted at IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2022).
  • [2022-3] Our abstract got accepted at ISMPB ICAMPAM 2022 conference for oral presentation.
  • [2022-1] Abdullah Mamun has transferred to the PhD in Computer Science program at Arizona State University.


  • [2021-1] Abdullah Mamun joined EMIL as a PhD student.
  • [2021-1] Abdullah Mamun started his PhD in Computer Science at Washington State University